Selon Wrestling Observer Newsletter, Too Cold Scorpio pourrait obtenir un essai de quelques matchs avec la WWE. Il a impressionné les officiels lors d'un récent match non télévisé, à "Smackdown!", contre Rene Dupree. Le poids de ce vétéran, de même que sa réputation quant à l'usage de drogues, soulève toutefois quelques inquiétudes...
Joey Mercury fréquente un centre de réhabilitation à Atlanta depuis juin dernier. Il va bien et devrait revenir dans le ring prochainement. Chris Masters a fréquenté le même centre récemment.
La WWE devrait payer Kurt Angle jusqu'à février prochain, alors que sa clause de non-compétition sera terminée. On ne sait pas si Angle a le droit actuellement de participer à des combats de type MMA (Mixed-Martial Arts).
2 Fans à la porte!
Oui oui, deux femmes, fans de Edge ont été expulsé de l'arène hier soir pour avoir "craché" sur Cena lors du TLC Match.
Par contre, un fan près d'elles a affirmé que la seule chose qu'elles sont fait, c'était de manifester leur mécontentement et de lui envoyer des injures...
Qui n'a jamais injurier un lutteur lors d'un show de lutte?
Si on en est rendu à ne pas pouvoir aimer et détester qui on veut... ce n'est pas très fort selon moi.
Voici l'article du fan et aussi la réponse d'un chroniqueur de PWInsider!
During the John Cena vs. Edge match at Unforgiven, there was a point early in the match, after Cena crotched Edge on the top rope, that Cena went outside to get a table. I noted in my coverage that "Some woman in the front row was cursing Cena out, and it looked like a referee told her to stop." I'm not sure why it stood out to me at the time, other than the fact that the woman was pretty loud.
Then I received the following email from Jean-Francois Trudel, who attended the show, for our feedback section at
Good evening to all of you,
I have been a wrestling fans for numerous years and I must say that I have seen lots of highs (as well as lows) from WWE product lately. I have attended 8 of the 11 WWE PPV's this year, so I consider myself a loyal fan who knows the WWE product quite well. One of the lows I would like to mention happened tonight at Unforgiven during the TLC match during John Cena and Edge.
I witnessed an incident tonight that completely tore me apart. Two female fans sitting in the front row got thrown out of the building for "apparently" spitting on John Cena. Being sat in the same section as them, that could not be further from the truth.
Cena came out of the ring to grab a ladder and the two fans stood up to express their dislike for him (as I can totally relate). The referee ran up to them to tell them to stop spitting at Cena, and the security guard proceeded to have them ejected from the building.
I would like to go on record to say that no spitting was involved in the whole incident and the WWE security guard was totally out of line for taking the measures he took. From an outside point of view, I really feel sorry for those two fans because I have seen both of them at numerous shows that I have attended and have never been a problem before ..... why start now ???
WWE needs to understand that certain characters may not be as well liked as others but protecting them like they are worth gold is not appropriate. If fans cannot express what they feel (without any spitting involved .... as not to get wrong ideas), where does that leave us???
A WWE Fan that has lost lots of respect for wrestling tonight.
After reading this email, I went back and checked the tape. Sure enough, when Cena is at ringside, the female fans (one with red hair, one wearing an Edge shirt) are obviously voicing their displeasure at him (I think one may have dropped an F-Bomb). At no point did either of them appear to spit at Cena, but you can definitely see the referee approaching them. A few moments later, one of them is apparently called into the aisle, and shortly after that (following the powerbomb in the corner spot), they can be seen getting their belongings and leaving ringside.
Si les femmes ont bel et bien craché sur le lutteur, je peux très bien comprendre...par contre si c'est faux, je vois pas la logique dans tout ça...